Wednesday 20 January 2010

Twitter ye lots

I joined twitter a little while ago and at first didn't quite get it. I saw it as a version of facebook or instant messaging where you could chat or whatever. The main people I had on it were friends , who I generally communicated with using different means anyway. eg forums, or facebook.

Having been to the Bett show this weekend and more specifically Teachmeet2010 I have now realised a whole new world of possibilty for twitter as a tool to help me develop as a teacher.

I am now posting on twitter regularly. still not tons to offer myself , but having watched the presenters at Teachmeet I have now a whole list of people I am following who are posting up links, thoughts and ideas.

It's all quite exciting and rejuvenating in a way . An escape from the tedium of paperwork and assesment and the day to day thinks that can bog you down.

I am full of new enthusiasm for the class blog although I know that it will take time before the children take ownership.If I think about it,I didn't get twitter at first. The children will make their own discovery . I just have to keep it ticking over for when they do ;-)

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