Thursday, 21 January 2010

Shout of order

A hard day today.

Found it difficult to capture the classes full attention.Maybe I was just disorganised after being off for a couple of days. Maybe I'm still not well ( I know I'm not the face ache has started again)
But I shouted...
I hate shouting; yet I still did it...The class stopped and I got their full attention , but there has to be a better way! I have tied all the praise . but when you can't be heard by those you need to hear you I'm not sure what else to do..

I know there is not a quick fix and I know my class are not good at transitions, my uncertainty allows them to take advantage at times..

Early night I think and then awake to a new day and a fresh start

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew the answer too; my class were wild today and I have no idea why. I find that a 3-2-1 countdown works with most and then I just end up writing names on board of those that don't stop. It's a three strikes and you lose your playtime system with me, although I do sometimes override that if they are being really awful, and I did have a couple who nearly ended up with the HT today as they were being totally non-compliant. kids eh?!
