Sunday 17 January 2010

Bett show 2010

So back from a very interesting weekend , taking in the Teach meet and the bett show.
Literally ran out of the door after school on Friday so I could catch the train,still didn't get there until 6.45 so the meet was well underway.
I was surprised and actually really excited to see such a large gathering of like-minded people. This was my first TeachMeet , but will definitely be coming again. I would like to share something, but first I've got to do it!

It felt great to be part of something that in my mind feels really important,this wasn't some training taking place on a school day . People had travelled from far and wide to hear and share ideas,opinions and to meet up with people previously only known as avatars in cyberspace.We all speak the same language and we all want the same things for our pupils.That is very powerful.

I feel enthused , excited and inspired after my weekend . I just need to get these ideas into my repertoire and let my kids run with them. On the day of the Teach Meet we had a conversation in class about the types of jobs they might find themselves doing in the future, we wondered what technology might look like for them.

If I think back to the Christmas my dad had bought me an acorn electron( because he thought it was important, but didn't understand computers himself)that's where it all started .From the first time I unpicked the code of a game to make amusing phrases appear on the screen,through to my 2 years living in Japan seeing technologies in Akihabara that are only just appearing on shelves here,

I am well and truly hooked on technology.

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