Tuesday 9 February 2010

Trying to do too much

I have just spent a fun hour or so writing on the class blog , but have really neglected this one.
I feel sometimes like I am writing for nobody, I know the children are looking at the class blog though and quite a few are now posting bits and pieces , its just a case of getting them into the habit. I guess that is why I need to keep up the habit on my own blog as well .Even if no one is reading .. yet ;-)

Having gone through a round of observations and facing the last week of term after a lovely week away with the children, I am thinking about what it is I need to work on as a teacher.
I think that my main obstacle is that I try to fit too much in, or I expect the children to complete more work than they are capable of in a session.
This leads to reams of unfinished work( the timetable is ridiculously tight at times and now PE is squeeezing out even more of that).This in turn leads to frustration both on mine and the children's part.I hate that feeling of incompletion( is that a word ha ha )
My current class are a bit slower to complete work than previous classes I have taught. They are pretty chatty and its sometimes hard to keep them on task ( another thing for me to work on ). I think I expect a lot of them, but often feel disappointed and I shouldn't do .

When I was a trainee teacher I used to fret over the unit plans for maths and worry that I hadn't covered what was on the plan( it was 2 years until someone told me that I didn't have to do everything!)

I think where I am now is that I still carry this fear of them not presenting it all in their books . Does that mean no learning is taking place? I don't think so . My ex pupils have all gone on to achieve just as much as their peers in the other class who had books stuffed to the brim full of written work and worksheets.

I'm not saying one is right and the other not, I am just sharing my own personal thoughts and trying to make sense of what is important to me as a teacher.
As a subject leader I still feel that I haven't been able to make a signifiant impact. I lack the confidence to just do it. I have lots of ideas , but again which to choose. Maybe I should just do something and then see what happens.

Ok that's got all that off my chest

1 comment:

  1. Don't lack the confidence - just go for it!

    ps, I'm reading :)

